
I just finished reading the “Why Beirut Really Matters” post that everyone’s been sharing in the past couple of days and I really wish I could agree with everything the author is saying but I would be lying. I love Beirut and I admire Warren’s love for our capital but tiny little Beirut is ANYTHING but the real centre of this region, and definitely “not an indication of where we might, could, possibly even should, all be going, regionally and globally”.

Lebanon is no longer setting trends in the region and serving as a role model for other countries to follow. Lebanon has been going backwards ever since the civil war has started and things are not getting any better. The economy is bad, the liberties are diminishing, sectarianism is on the rise, fanatic and terrorist groups are everywhere around us, gay and women rights are still practically inexistent, the country’s infrastructure is bad, corruption is here to stay and we keep on voting for the same people. The only thing that we are continuously improving is the nightlife, and Beirut will stay the Middle East’s party capital for years to come.

Despite all that, I do love my country and I’ve learned to enjoy it the way it is and highlight through the blog and other social media channels the positive things happening in Lebanon. However, for Beirut to really matter, serious and drastic changes must be implemented and I will keep on pushing for such a change, but I don’t see it happening anytime soon.