Blog Baladi

Giveaway: 6 Tickets To The Red Bull SoundClash in Lebanon


The Red Bull SoundClash is a week away and I’ve got 6 tickets to give away to 3 lucky readers. The event will take place at the Forum De Beyrouth featuring Mashrou’ Leila vs. Who Killed Bruce Lee, who will be on two opposing stages fighting for the same crowd through 6 crazy rounds.

All you have to do to get in the draw is leave a comment and mention a song for one of the two bands on this post. The competition ends tomorrow morning at 9:00am.

See you all there!

Red Bull SoundClash is a once-in-a-lifetime musical collaboration that brings two bands with different sounds, styles, and influences together. The event will feature two opposing stages, and six rounds that are guaranteed to showcase the bands in a way that you’ve never seen. Fighting for the same crowd, the bands will explore different genres and sounds, highlighting the skill set needed to keep you up on your feet. Electro Indie Pop to Arab Rock and Reggae, prepare to get Funked up, & Folk-ed out of your mind… Let the clash of sounds begin.



NB: You need to put your proper email in the email field while commenting since winner will be contacted by email. You can only comment once, anyone caught commenting more than once will get disqualified.

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