Blog Baladi

No more cutting in line at Banque Audi

One of the things I hate about going to the bank is the fact that people do not wait in line. Everyone is in a hurry and just has a small “mou3amale sari3a btekhod d2i2a”. Don’t you just hate standing in line for half an hour and someone who happens to know the teller walks in and cuts in front of you? Then you have to make a big fuss about it.

Well no more of that in Banque Audi!

When you first walk in, you get a number and you wait your turn like everybody else. (not sure it’s the same way in all branches) Usually companies in Lebanon begin using this numbering system but then for some reason it dies out. It was nice to see everyone respect the system.

Except for this one woman, a typical frenchie madame. She came in and got frustrated that she had to wait in line! “walaw? mesta3jle ktigh, 3ande malyoun shaghle a3mela! badkon etnatghouni bel saf?? shou madghasse?? non mais c’est pas possible, c’est quoi ce boghdel?”. It was nice to see the branch manager tell her “Be3tezer madame, bass keno hon ablik” She then started pacing back and forth, back and forth and cursing in French for a good 20 minutes before her turn came and then she had a fight with the teller! The teller told her “Bonjour Madame” and she just exploded “Bala bonjough bala ballout, 3mol sheghlak w khallesne! nattaghtouni se3a! hay ekhegh magha beje 3a hal bghanche, non mais..”…classy 🙂

Anyway, good job Banque Audi!

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