Blog Baladi

Ten Fun Shows You Can Enjoy with Your Kids

My wife & I are usually very strict about screen time, allowing the boys barely an hour per day even on weekends, but with schools and daycare closing because of the new coronavirus and parents being forced to work remotely, more screen time is inevitable.

I’m not very familiar with all the kid-friendly channels out there, but I’ve discovered over the past two years few YouTube channels & shows that we, as parents, enjoyed watching with the kids.

1- Blippi [YouTube Channel]:
I thought he was annoying at first but the kids love him and his videos are fund and very interesting.

2- BBC Earth [YouTube Channel]: There are plenty of zoo channels that are nice to check, but BBC Earth has some of the best videos from the Animal Kingdom.

3- Our Earth Series [Netflix]: This is one of the best documentaries you will ever see. The quality of the videos taken is incredible and the stories are narrated by Sir David Attenborough. Kids will not care for the commentary, but the sceneries and close-ups on animals are just breath-taking.

4- Booba [YouTube/Netflix]: The character doesn’t talk but makes funny expressions. Kids love it and they often are laughing out loud at his awkward moments.

5- Super Wings [Netflix]: A cheerful jet and his transforming pals strive to find peaceful solutions to their problems while delivering packages to children around the globe. What I love about this series is it helps kids discover new countries and cities.

6- Nat Geo fo Kids: This is a great website for kids to play educational games, discover animals and watch awesome videos.

7- Joseph’s Machines [YouTube Channel]: This guy is freaking awesome, just watch and you will know why!

8- Jelle’s Marble Runs [YouTube Channel]: I never thought I’d ever see a dedicated channel to marble racing (with commentary) but it’s there, it’s quite popular and it’s exciting for kids to watch.

9- TED-Ed [YouTube]: Carefully curated and beautifully animated videos. You have to be selective when choosing a topic to suit your kid’s age though. Plenty are not suitable for Brian yet.

10- LilaTV [YouTube]: I love this channel! All the Lebanese songs we used to hear as kids were turned into animations. You will also find educational videos on this channel.

That’ll for now. Stay home and stay safe!

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