Blog Baladi

What’s With The Chinese Billboards?


I noticed a couple of Fransabank billboards in Dbayyeh written in Chinese for some reason. I’m assuming that’s a teaser campaign for some new product but I wanna know what they’re saying and I don’t know anyone who speaks or reads Chinese. I asked on Twitter and got nothing so I googled a bit and found an app (Baidu Translate) that actually translates pictures in Chinese which is pretty cool but not that practical. I got something like “Golden Chamber and Synopsis” from the first billboard on the left which could be referring to Jin Kui Yao Lve’s book but didn’t get lucky with the second picture which is showing Xian’s city wall.

Update: I updated my Google Translate app and used their new feature which includes scanning a picture and detecting and translating the text on it. It’s way more accurate as I got something about a new Fransabank Platinum card debuting in China and being accepted in the whole territory or something like that. I also got UnionBank but I don’t know how it’s related.

Thanks Sabine for the tip!

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