I’ve been wanting to buy a mobile as a gift prior to Mother’s day but I honestly could not find any decent one except the iPhone and the Nokia E72. They are both of different price ranges but they are the best ones to get if you want an expensive and worthy phone or a relatively affordable and practical phone.
I don’t like how Samsung and Nokia are trying to immitate the iPhone regardless of the fact that they are android phones. They could be better phones for all I know but they just look like cheap versions of the iPhone. (Samsung Galaxy S, Nokia N8)
As far as Blackberry phones are concerned, their service is too damn expensive in Lebanon and you could replace it easily by getting whatsapp application and subscribing to the GPRS service. Therefore, except for corporate use, it’s a useless and expensive phone to get.
The iPhone in Lebanon is too expensive still (Around 1000$) and getting it from abroad factory unlocked is a hassle. That leaves us with Nokia phones and the E72 is the most reliable of them all. The previous E71 was a success and the new E72 is even better.
If you guys know of any phone worthy looking at, please share it with me.