Blog Baladi

Achrafieh 2020: A dream in action


We can only hope this project will become a reality!

The first step of the Achrafieh 2020 initiative will be on September 2, 2012 which will be declared a yearly car free day in Achrafieh.

ACHRAFIEH 2020 is an apolitical long-term (8 years) environmental driven initiative by MP Nadim Gemayel, it aims at satisfying Achrafieh residents dreaming of a neighborhood where adults, youth and children can easily and safely walk on wider and cleaner sidewalks, bike on dedicated bicycle alleys, hop on a tramway as a means of commuting; where waste is managed optimally, where parking is well organized and structured and where traffic is highly regulated and law enforced.

Initiatives of this kind were courageously taken in many cities in the world, such as Seville, Rio, Milano and most of North European cities.

A change of behavior campaigning will energize this 8 years initiative.

Achrafieh’s initiative is not to be seen as an isolationist one. Its ambition is to be recognized as a pioneer action which will hopefully propagate to the entirety of Beirut and other Lebanese cities. [Link]

You can download the map, with activities and useful information to carry with you on September 2, in Achrafieh [Here]

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