Blog Baladi

Gibran Khalil Gibran Exhibition At The Sharjah Art Museum Till Dec 10, 2015


The Sharjah Art Museum in collaboration with the Gibran National Committee is hosting an exhibition entitled Drawings of Gibran: A Humane Perspective that will showcase artworks by the Lebanese-American artist, poet, and writer. More than 50 works and manuscripts will be displayed, making it the largest collection of Gibran’s work ever to go on display in the UAE. Some of the works displayed will include his 1916 face of a Veiled Woman, a charcoal self-portrait from 1908 and an oil painting from 1910 called The Sad Mona Lisa. The original Gibran museum is located in Bcharreh of course and includes 440 original paintings.

Admission is free and the exhibition will run from October 7th until December 10th. Gibran Khalil Gibran is considered one of the most influential figures of the modern age. His most popular work is The Prophet, which was turned into an animated movie this year by Salma Hayek.

I am sure a lot of Lebanese here and in Dubai never visited Gibran’s museum in Bcharreh so here’s a chance to check out some of his artwork.


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