Blog Baladi

Fête De La Musique 2014 Tonight!


The 2014 edition of La Fête De La Musique is taking place today from 06:00 pm until 02:00 am. I think I might pass by Martyrs Square and check out the local and regional bands that are playing. Here’s the full schedule:

Thermes Romains:
Sur la magnifique scène des Thermes romains, les sons pop et folk des groupes libanais viendront se mêler aux ballades entraînantes et électro des parisiens d’Exsonvaldes avant de laisser place aux rythmes endiablés du Brésil.
20h15 – 20h45 Sandmoon (indie pop folk)
20h55 – 21h25 Oak (folk rock)
21h35 – 22h05 Safar (pop, jazz)
22h15 – 23h10 Exsonvaldes (rock, électro)
23h20 – 23h50 Semitic Genetic (rock, électro)
00h00 – 00h30 Segundo Bloco (samba funk percussions brésiliennes)

Beirut Souks
20h00 – 20h30 Valiant Sheep (Rock)
20h40 – 21h10 Butterfly (Rock)
21h20 – 22h00 The Coolcumbers (Rock alternatif)
22h10 – 22h40 Albatross (Reprises Pink Floyd)
22h50 – 23h30 Epic (Rock)
23h40 – 00h10 April Band (Rock, métal)
00h20 – 00h50 In Sanity Q (Rock)
01h00 – 01h30 Rebellion (Rock, métal)

Beirut Souks /Zara
19h00 – 19h30 Audysea (folk, pop)
19h40 – 20h10 Camille & Lory (rock acoustique)
20h20 – 20h50 Gilbert Simon (rock)
21h00 – 21h20 Jebebara (percussions)
21h30 – 21h55 Rocketeers (Hip Hop)
22h05 – 22h30 Mustafa Slameur (slam)
22h40 – 23h05 Karim – Le libre.K (Hip Hop)
23h15 – 23h40 7Ta2at (Hip Hop)

Martyrs Square
19h40 – 20h10 Khebez Dawle (Post Rock)
20h20 – 20h50 Loopstache (Electro Indie Pop)
21h00 – 21h30 Wetrobots Ft. Bosaina (Indie Rock)
21h45 – 22h15 Pindoll (Post – Jazz Rock)
22h30 – 23h15 Wanton Bishops (Indie Blues Rock)
23h30 – 00h00 Empty Yard Experiment (Progressive rock)
00h15 – 00h45 Zahed Sultan (Electronic Alternative)

Uruguay Street – Samir Kassir Garden
A l’ombre de Samir Kassir, le blues, le jazz et le funk berceront les amateurs férus de swing. Une succession de groupes libanais viendra rendre hommage aux plus célèbres compositeurs et présentera des compositions originales tout au long de la soirée.
19h00 – 19h30 Ada & Georgy (Indie Rock)
19h40 – 20h10 Chris Thomas (Blues)
20h20 – 20h50 MoodBells (Blues)
21h00 – 21h30 Funky Blues Brothers (Blues)
21h40 – 22h10 Guru (Blues, funk)
22h20 – 22h50 Nachaz (Blues, rock)
23h00 – 23h30 Slow Train (Blues, rock)
23h40 – 00h10 Afrobeat Collective (Fusion, percussions)
00h20 – 00h50 Ruby Road (Blues, rock, jazz)
01h00 – 01h30 KMKL (Rock, blues, reggae)

Zaitunay Bay
18h00 – 18h30 Adrien (variété)
18h40 – 19h10 Rand (pop)
19h20 – 19h50 Al Kamandjati & Beit Atfal Assoumoud (oriental)
20h00 – 20h30 Maya Hobeika (oriental)
20h40 – 21h20 Lara Eidi (folk, rock, blues)
21h30 – 21h45 Dave Zak (percussions)
21h55 – 22h10 Never Solo (violon électrique)
22h15 – 23h15 Amadeus (Quatuor électrique)
23h25 – 00h00 Meen (rock libanais)

ROOFTOP DE L’USINE SLEEP COMFORT – Karantina, rue de la mer, derrière vanlian
De 22h à 5h
ETYEN (Live)
KELLY HR (Subliminal)

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