Blog Baladi

How can we help improve the situation of the women inmates residing in Baabda prison?

Picture from TheDailyStar

Built originally to accommodate 30 inmates, Baabda prison now holds around 60 to 70 women at any time in cramped quarters. Some are imprisoned for murder, many for drug-related crimes and robbery, and many still await sentencing. [Link]

Needless to say, the prison conditions are no better than other prisons across Lebanon and the inmates are in need of many basic items. For that purpose, I received a list from RAGMAG, containing some of the needs the women inmates gathered and handed to Catharsis, the Lebanese Center for Drama Therapy. Catharsis is a non-profit organization that has been working for years on creating a bridge between inmates and society. They are the ones behind Sheherazade in Baabda play, that is performed by women inmates.

If you feel you can help in anyway, Catharsis will be receiving your in-kind donations on June 25 & 26, 2012 at Catharsis Office in Kaslik, KBC center, 3rd Floor, and will deliver them to Baabda Prison on the 28th of June 2012.

You can also email them at

I will also gladly pick up some donations and deliver them if you feel Catharsis’ office is too far. Just email me at

Some of the stuff needed is very basic and it’s quite shameful that prisons are unable to provide them.

Here’s the list:
Sink Mixer (خلاط مغسلة) (5)
Aspirateur (for Rooms) (5)
ACs 18 000 BTU (3)
Shower mixer + Shower (خلاط للدوش مع دوش) (5)
Ventilators (5)
Kettlers (5) (إبريق سخان)
Water Dispensers (براد ماء سخن وبارد ) (5)
White Paint for the room walls (as much as you can get)
Shampoo (as much as you can get)
Facial Tissues (as much as you can get)
Feminine Pads (فوط صحية ) (as much as you can get)
Toothpaste (100)
Toothbrush (100)
Soap (200)
Laundry detergent (دواء غسيل)
Sponges for the shower (100)
cleaning sponges (20)
Trash bags (80 packs)
Toilet paper rolls (100 packs)
Towels for the shower (100)
Plastic or melamine mugs (100)
Trash Cans (10)
Shower curtains (5)
Insect Killer (Baygon) (10)
Melanine (for the kitchen)
Notebooks and pens (100)

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