Blog Baladi

Lebanese Government is Blaming People for its Own Incompetence Ahead of New Lockdown

They could not secure proper quarantine areas for returning travelers and visitors.
They allowed nightclubs and restaurants to open during the holidays and organize NYE parties.
They allowed artists to hold “sold out” concerts.
They failed to increase the ICU bed capacity in the last two lockdowns.
They implemented an odd-even regime for vehicles which resulted in an increase in the cases.
They failed to enforce simple distancing rules, and the ministers in charge (Health & Interior) did not even respect the rules.

And on top of all that, they failed to meet last Friday when the cases were soaring and decided to wait till Thursday January 7th to start the new lockdown, and will implement once again the odd-even useless regime among other measures.

The new lockdown will start on January 7th and continue till February 1st. Restaurants will meanwhile be closed except for delivery services. On the other hand, factories, ministries, printing houses, banks and state administrations will be exempted from the shutdown and will be allowed to operate at certain capacities while medical and journalistic crews and the armed forces will be exempted from the nighttime curfew.

Yes, people are to blame partially for soaring cases.
Yes, every government around the world is struggling to manage this pandemic.

No, you cannot blame the people for everything and claim you’re doing all you can, while you’re eating cake and dancing Dabke in the street, or worse don’t believe in lockdowns all together.

The success of this lockdown will depend on the people alone, as each of us has a responsibility to spread awareness and stick to the social distancing rules. This joke of a government cannot enforce a lockdown, and will never be able to with such people in charge. Do your part, stay safe, stay home and let’s hope we get this vaccine rolling ASAP.

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