Blog Baladi

Meet Nasser & Mohammed: Two Children Selling Their Artwork in Mar Mikhail Every Saturday


Nasser & Mohammed Darwich are two Syrian children from Aleppo. They currently live in Beirut and go to school here. On Saturday, they head out to Mar Mikhail, set up set up a small table outside Internazionale and sell their drawings in the form of postcards to people passing by. I first read about them on Facebook and headed to Mar Mikhail on Saturday to meet the two brothers and buy some postcards.


One of them was there in his school costume sitting on a tiny table. He was very polite and kept smiling at me. The drawings were all colorful and positive, depicting Beirut’s busy streets, Mar Mikhail’s nightlife, old houses next to skyscrapers etc. I ended up buying 6 postcards.

I love what these brothers are doing and how cheerful and positive they are. I didn’t ask them about Aleppo or Syria or about their family. I’m sure the last thing they need is a reminder of the atrocities happening there. What matters is that they are in good health, they are going to school and they are working for a better future.

You can catch them 2-6 every Saturday. They go to school on the other days.


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