Blog Baladi

MIX FM’S 80’S Night at B018

Before writing this post, I was checking on the last time I wrote about the 80’s night as I’ve been wanting to go forever and indeed it was back in November 2011! The reason it took me so long is that the 80’s night is held on Thursdays so it’s hard to convince working people to party on a weekday and because it’s always overbooked. Believe it or not, Mix FM has been holding this 80’s night for 7 years now and the place is booked every single week!

I got there around 11pm and the place was already full. I haven’t been to B018 in a long while but the place looked exactly the same as I last recall it. We had a small argument with the person in charge as we had reserved a table for 15 people and got one that could barely fit 4 but we finally got a decent table some 20 minutes later. However, the guy who was in charge of our table was very rude and unfriendly throughout the night and he even refused to get us a knife and plates to cut our friend’s birthday cake. I wasn’t the one who reserved so I don’t know why things got messed up but the staff weren’t friendly at all.

Putting this small incident aside, the night was a blast all thanks to one man: DJ Rodge! I am a big fan of the 80’s and he reminded me of some many good songs I had forgotten about, without forgetting the awesome tribute he did to Michael Jackson. I don’t remember having that much fun at a party in a long time, as I was singing and dancing throughout the whole night. I even went behind the DJ’s booth and had a small chat with Rodge, who’s a really cool guy.

Picture from the 80s night at B018 – Tribute to Michael Jackson

We left B018 around 3am but the place was still packed. We ended up paying around 60$ per person. If you are an 80’s fan, you shouldn’t miss out on that party. If you need more info on how to reserve, click [Here].

DJ Rodge gives out free CD copies of the night’s mix after midnight

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