Blog Baladi

MOT Announces Reduced Line Prices

The Ministry of Telecommunications announced reductions on the mobile lines prices, including a significant drop in prices for the prepaid lines from $25 to $3.3. You can also get a new Golden number now for only $2500 instead of $5,500 and a brand new Diamond A number, whatever that means, for $5000.

I’m glad they dropped the prepaid line prices and I don’t really care about the other bronze and gold numbers but the real problem is still there: Our lines expire as soon as we don’t recharge them and this sucks. For example, my mother is currently in the US visiting my brother and since he has to work during the day, I was asking him if he could get her easily a line to use. It turns out that he still has the line we bought when I went to Vegas with him three years ago; he just plugged it in and re-activated it.

On the other hand, I’m paying around $10 per month to keep the Touch line my brother uses active. This is what the MoT needs to change.

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