Blog Baladi

Nadine Labaki on Behalf of Refugees in Lebanon


Here’s how you can help the refugees, mainly the Syrian ones, in Lebanon: (Taken from Gino’s Blog)

– The UNCHR and its partner NGOs are always in need of certain supplies. Try to organize drives in your local communities, schools, universities, scouts groups, etc. to gather supplies the UNCHR and its partners need. Get in contact with them via the links provided, and ask them what they need. Any help is welcome, but coordinate so you make sure your contribution is the most useful at a given time for a given place.

– Educate your fellow Lebanese. Don’t let the racist and hateful rhetoric by some individuals and groups cloud your judgment or the judgment of those around you. The refugees need our help, and we have been as gracious as hosts as possible so far, so let’s not stop now.

– Donate money to one of the partner NGOs who work with the UNHCR

– Volunteer at one of the partner NGOs who work with the UNCHR. Give some of your free time to help the refugees and the amazing people working with them. Imagine yourself in their place, and remember, if you’re Lebanese, at some point in history, you were a refugee here too, no matter what your sect or ethnicity. Remember that without the hospitality and help of the local population then, you wouldn’t be alive today.

UNCHR Lebanon Get Involved Page
UNHCR Donate Page
UNCHR Partners Page

Picture from Gino’s Blog

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