Blog Baladi

#NoLawNoVote: Join KAFA Tomorrow In Front Of The Parliament


The Lebanese Parliament is meeting tomorrow to vote on the draft-law presented by KAFA for protecting women from domestic violence and there’s a gathering taking place at 10:30am right before the voting in order to impact and influence the parliament. If you can’t be there, you can still show your support online by using the hashtag #NoLawNoVote on the various social media tools and spread the word.

It’s time to put an end to these heinous murders and jail any asshole who tries to abuse his wive or any woman for that sake. Roqayya Monzer was the last victim of domestic violence after her husband shot her dead when she asked for a divorce.

Here’s a [Link] to the event.

Exotica showed support too


Miss Lebanon Yara Ghrawi

via NoGarlicNoOnions

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