Blog Baladi

Someone Should Remind Hariri He’s Not a Technocrat

Ever since ex-PM Hariri resigned a year ago, he has been paving his way back to lead a new government through several maneuvers, with the latest nominating himself as the designated savior by France’s president. He insists that the only chance to halt the collapse is to form a government of technocrats but somehow believes he’s fit to lead such a government.

Of course this could all be a media stunt while he agrees on how to distribute the ministries with other parties, and today’s decision by the President to postpone the parliamentary consultations is proving they’re all playing a dirty game to get back in power.

The President delayed the consultations for no justifiable reason and claiming Armenian MPs asked him to is not fooling anyone. All these rotten parties just need more time to negotiate who gets what.

In fact, they’ve been relentlessly trying to kill the revolution for a year now, they’ve made the poor poorer, deprived people of their money, their meds, their food and their most basic rights. They are winning because what’s happening suits them and their loyal followers. They thrive on chaos, violence, sectarianism and bigotry, and will not stop until every honest and hard working Lebanese is out of the country.

Small reminder: They blew up Beirut two months ago and till this hour, we don’t know who did it and NOT ONE OFFICIAL RESIGNED!

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