Blog Baladi

15 Stunning Pictures & Videos from Kfarabida’s Coast

Kfarabida’s coast is a national treasure and shouldn’t be touched. It’s currently under threat after the cabinet approved an old plan to turn the rocky facade into a private yacht club and a huge touristic resort.

Kfarabida’s beach may be a small one but the water there is among the cleanest in Lebanon and the beach is public and free. The water is crystal clear, there are naturally formed caves and you can occasionally spot sea turtles underwater. If you want to know what’s at stake, check out Nadine’s [post].

There’s an event taking place in Kfarabida on September 10 to protest the decision and everyone is more than welcome to join.

For those of you who are not familiar with Kfarabida, here are some stunning pictures I found online:

Patrick Baz Photo Credits: Patrick Baz

KFar7 JAd Ghorayeb Photo Credits: Jad Ghorayeb

Photo Credits: Jad Ghorayeb

Photo Credits: LebanonUntravelled

Photo Credits: LebanonUntravelled

Photo Credits: Joe Sokhn

Photo Credits: Berna Chaghoury

Photo Credits: Berna Chaghoury


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