Blog Baladi

18 Old & Recent Pictures to Celebrate AUB’s 150th Anniversary!

I compiled a list of old pictures of the American University of Beirut from 1890 until today to celebrate its 150th anniversary. I found old photos from 1890, 1907, 1910, the 1920s, 1930, 1942, 1953, 1969, 1971 and 1980 all from three main sources [OldBeirut], Life and AUB. I also added a couple of recent pictures.

I always miss AUB and try to visit it every now and then. I miss hanging out with friends near Bliss, on the green oval or the cafeteria stairs. I miss running around from one class to another, I miss walking around the campus on rainy days, I miss having lunch breaks at Universal Snack and buying snacks from Abu Naji. I miss some of my teachers but I will never miss exams or studying at the library hours before an exam 😀

AUB will celebrating 150 years all year long. They are asking old students to share their AUB stories and organizing several events. Check them out [here].

AUB Assembly Hall 1890 AUB Assembly Hall 1890

AUB in the 1910s AUB in 1910

1914 old beirut AUB – 1914

AUB in 1920

AUB in 1920

AUB Biology Classroom in the 1920s | Copyright Library of Congress

AUB in the 1930s

AUB Medical Gate 1942

AUB in the 1950s

AUB Main Gate 1953

AUB MC 1969

Bliss Street in the 1980s

And here are few recent pictures of AUB:

Green Oval – via Mindingthecampus

The famous Zaha Hadid building at AUB

AUB 2011 – Source

AUB Cats are awesome

I hated these stairs!

And a beautiful picture from the sky:

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