Blog Baladi

E24: 24/7 Electricity Without Generators

The first time I heard about E24 was back in May when it was featured by The World Economic Forum among the nine Lebanese startups sharing the fourth industrial revolution. E24 was founded by Antoine Saab in 2011 and provides 24/7 electricity without generators by effectively stocking and managing electrical power.

Saab developed an energy storage system that collects and reserves electricity from solar panels or the grid, so residents don’t have to pay the electricity bill twice by subscribing to the local generator. What happens is that when the power cuts, E24’s energy storage system steadily releases the stored electricity, keeping the lights on and the fridge running. It’s like a UPS but on a larger scale.

E24 has expanded ever since 2011 and is now catering homes, villas, businesses and factories. They’re even working with the government and setting up a new eVillage concept in Bkerzay, where over 50 residences and shops will be powered by E24’s power solution.

E24 won the first prize at the Bader Cup and got recently featured on Forbes. It’s a really cool concept but it would be good to know if it’s affordable or too expensive. I’m gonna email them and inquire about their eHome solution.

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