Blog Baladi

How to report Lebanese Police Misconducts?

Fighting Crime in Gemmayze

I know this is too good to be true, and that chances are slim complaints will be taken seriously but it doesn’t mean we can’t give it a try.

Here are the steps as shared by Gino to report ISF wrongdoings:

1- CATALOG IT. We all have cameras on our phones, take a video or photo of whatever you saw was wrong, and try to get the name of the officer, or number of the vehicle misbehaving

2- REPORT IT. You can call 01610610 and ask to speak to the Public Relations Office, headed by Colonel Joseph Mousallem. Identify yourself, explain what happened and display the evidence you have.

3- ANONYMOUSLY. The police officers that are crooked tend to watch each others back, and we don’t wanna see any of you get hassled if you try to report on misbehavior. That’s why, report it via their online complaints form that can be found here.

4- FOLLOW UP. Make sure you let us know what happens with your complaints, if you were listened to and if your concerns were properly dealt with and if the misbehavior was disciplined. If not, we’d love to name and shame the officers you caught red handed.

Picture via Gino’s blog

There’s a small detail that needs to be clarified here though: Are we allowed to take pictures of cops or army men? Logically speaking, there shouldn’t be a problem but I think they may have the right to ask you not to for security purposes (but definitely not when they are violating the law!). I’ll get back with an answer for that tomorrow.

Here’s the [link] to the online ISF complaint form.

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