Blog Baladi

O1NE Beirut Opening Postponed To December 25

ShadowPP ONE AUH  7860
How O1NE Beirut will look like from the inside

O1NE Beirut won’t be opening on December 19th as announced earlier this week. The venue is ready but there were delays in delivering some equipment due to a supplier as I was told. The official opening date is December 25th.

I was able to take few exclusive pictures from inside the O1NE that I shared below. The interior will be very special and very similar to the O1NE in Abu Dhabi that Mark posted about previously.

The 3D video mapping covering the full 360 degrees of the interior will be something unseen before in Lebanese nightclubs so get ready for a whole new and exciting nightlife experience!

Both interiors of O1NE Beirut and Abu Dhabi are going to be very similar with the biggest difference being the fact that Lebanon won’t have private rooms with balconies overlooking the club (for now). The private rooms in Abu Dhabi can hold around 50 people each which basically means you can hold your own party inside the already larger party taking place (think Inception). The club had a long catwalk stretching from one side of the club to another surrounded by a lounge area on both sides and a bar at the very end. You also had raised areas around the hall similar to Skybar Beirut with plenty of tables and seating.




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