Blog Baladi

Salon Du Livre Beirut 2012

I passed by the “Salon du Livre Francophone de Beyrouth” yesterday and I was glad to see so many people attending the event. In fact, Biel was packed with visitors from all age groups and some of the exhibitors were very interesting. The “Salon du Livre” still has 2 days until it ends, so hurry up because you are missing out a lot.

In addition to the exhibitors, the scheduled conferences and featured guest speakers are very interesting. You can check out all the needed information on Le Salon Du Livre’s website [Here].

Here are few random pictures I took from the event:

365 jours pour rester positif au Liban, an Agenda featuring BlogBaladi on one of its pages

I always end up buying a Bande Dessinée

Kids playing with Lego at the Samir Kassir Foundation stand.

Tintin & CIE stand, tons of awesome figurines

Some of the stuff I bought

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