Everyone was sharing earlier today how a new exit tax of LL50,000 was imposed on passengers leaving Lebanon aboard an economy-class flight but that’s not accurate and Annahar shared an article later on to clarify that matter.
Basically there were amendments done on the 2017 decree that set new exit taxes on passengers leaving Beirut, with higher taxes imposed on business and first-class passengers on flights longer AND shorter than 900KM (vs 1250KM before).
I was looking at the 2017 decree and it mentioned passengers leaving Lebanon aboard an economy-class flight, must pay 60,000 L.L. (Isn’t it 50,000LL ???), whereas those opting for the business class must pay 110,000 L.L, while first-class flights pay a fee of 150,000 L.L.
Under the current decree, the fees remain the same for all classes for flights longer than 900KM and are less for shorter than 900KM flights.
Here are the amended new fees:
For flights exceeding 900KM:
50,000LL on passengers flying economy-class
110,000LL on passengers flying business class
150,000LL on passengers flying first class
300,000LL on passengers flying on a private jet
For flights whose distance is less 900KM:
50,000LL on passengers flying economy-class
75,000LL on passengers flying business class
100,000LL on passengers flying first class
150,000LL on passengers flying on a private jet
To be honest, I didn’t quite understand the purpose behind these changes and how fees increased for business and first class passengers. Are tickets going to increase further because of this decree or not? What were the old fees vs the new ones? New fees look the same to me as the 2017 ones and even less on shorter flights, unless I’m missing something here. I looked for other sources online but couldn’t find any. If anyone has further info, please do share.