I was just booking my skydive ticket with Interavia for Fly Lebanon 2013 when I found out the whole skydive event was canceled due to security reasons. This was the message left on their Facebook page:
Postponed For Unknown Date, Waiting For Terrorist Missiles To Stop And Our Members And Team Be Safe In Our National Event “Fly Lebanon III”. For All Members And Who Was Attending The Event, Work With Us To Have A Safe Country, Our Lovely Country Lebanon , RIP Skydiving
Posted by Mark
I think they did not get enough people to go there, the attendance number was low.
If you check their schedule most of the spots were sold out.
where are they from? their english is lame!
cancelled for security reasons?!
unless they are planning to go skydiving in extreme south or north i don’t see any problem!
plus i doubt someone will waist a missile on a skydiver! 😀 not to mention that it’s gone be hard to hit one