
This is kinda cool! 3.42% of the passengers on board were from Lebanon. Full list

I have a theory on why the Titanic sank:

Lebanese passenger 1: “Shou ya man? Shou 3am bta3mol hon?”
Lebanese passenger 2: “3am betsayyad samak, a*** bsou2alak, shou ma32oul koun 3am ba3mol hon??”
Lebanese passenger 1: “Rou2 ya zalame, shou bek 3am btetmanyank???”
Lebanese passenger 2: “3am bemza7 ma3ak. Leyk, shou 3emel halla? Ba3ref el captain, mashe ma3e nekhod kess ma3o, yemken bikhallina nsou2a lal bekhra”