This is kinda cool! 3.42% of the passengers on board were from Lebanon. Full list
I have a theory on why the Titanic sank:
Lebanese passenger 1: “Shou ya man? Shou 3am bta3mol hon?”
Lebanese passenger 2: “3am betsayyad samak, a*** bsou2alak, shou ma32oul koun 3am ba3mol hon??”
Lebanese passenger 1: “Rou2 ya zalame, shou bek 3am btetmanyank???”
Lebanese passenger 2: “3am bemza7 ma3ak. Leyk, shou 3emel halla? Ba3ref el captain, mashe ma3e nekhod kess ma3o, yemken bikhallina nsou2a lal bekhra”
the funny part is, most of them survived! which means that AKID KENO MHAMCHRINON LAL CHABEB! AHAHAHAHAHA!
and thats the real story why the titanic sank 😛
impressive find, regardless of the humor which is good, you’re pissing on the death of over 1500 people dude…as funny as this post is, there is nothing humorous about dying of drowning, or hypothermia, or both…
on a lighter note, 76 Lebanese died and no conspiracy theory? 3ama?
Ronman no need to be so dramatic this happened in 1912… and chahe ur posts are always fun to read keep it up! 😉
Ronman , no need to be a drama queen.
Take a chill pill and talk to dr phill
haahahahahha awesome post!
was there a need for the **** bsou2alak part? this is a public blog after all and viewers from all ages and genders
@Showtime, Chill is my middle name, but that pill doesn’t work when one pisses on others’ death, unless they are crooked politicians…
I did end my comment with a quip…so 3eesh bi hal ne3me…