1- RAGMAG tackles all sorts of topics (art, theater, film, nightlife, music, cuisine, fashion, health etc …)
2- Their exclusive interviews are always a pleasure to read even if you don’t like the interviewee.
3- Their [website] looks very nice, is easy to browse and is always updated.
4- The Ragged highlights have some really cool sections, my favorites being “Hayda Lebnen ya 3ayne” and “FML”
5- They are very active on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and don’t just post stuff but interact all the time with their readers/followers.
6- RAGMAG organizes giveaways/competitions all the time for its readers and fans and the prizes are really cool!
7- They have a refined taste in restaurants/hotels/pubs etc …
8- I got featured once in the magazine in the “Mon Amour, Mon Ami” section.
9- The people behind RAGMAG are hardworking, intelligent and very friendly. ( @Gina @Fida @Youmna @Danielle )
10- All of the above.
WE’RE IN LOVE WITH THIS POST! THANK YOU NAJIB! Blog Baladi is one of our favorites and even we couldn’t have dreamed up something this cool. #BlogBaladiObsession #ReaderLove
tobyid tanajer lmax, credibility??!
Tobyeed to achieve what exactly? Fame? Money? It’s an honest opinion you believe it or not 🙂
One of the very few magazines that I actually pick up and read 🙂