Fleihan’s children paid tribute to their father on his martyrdom anniversary by playing his favorite song “Imagine” by Johny Lennon. The video went viral online as many paid tribute to Fleihan, who died from injuries sustained as he was accompanying former Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri when a massive bomb exploded on the Beirut seafront as they passed by.
Fleihan worked at the IMF and the UNDP before returning to Lebanon in 1993 to assist in the post-war rehabilitation of the ministry of finance. While working as an adviser at the ministry, from 1993 to 1999, Fleihan also taught economics at his old alma mater, the American University of Beirut (AUB).
I will leave you with this brilliant piece he wrote back in 2000 entitled “Toward an economic growth strategy” where he encourages embracing the Information Age to enhance the productivity of our economy and to develop new markets for Lebanese products, including the service sector and the health and education subsectors.
اولاد العزيز باسل فليحان في عزف بذكرى استشهاده. الله يرحم باسل الشاب الواعد و الانقى الذي قتله التوحش السياسي اللبناني. #لبنان_ينتفض #خليك_بالبيت pic.twitter.com/Rdnakdi3ay
— Ali Jaber (@alimouinjaber) April 19, 2020