When I heard about demands for raising the minimum wage to 1,250,000, I thought it was around 750,000LL or a bit more, turns out it is still 500,000 LL, which is almost 330$.
This is really ridiculous. What can you do with 330$ a month? Probably use the bus to go back and forth to work, eat a Ghalayini man2ouche every morning and Falafel for lunch and dinner, and maybe go out twice a month.
probably not even that.
Nobody thought of rent huh.. man2oucheh and going out trump a place to sleep ?
46 rides per bus per month x 1,000 LL = 46,000 ll
30 Ghalayini Zaatar x 500 LL = 15,000 ll
60 Falafel meals x 1,500 LL = 90,000 ll
2 drinks x 15,000 LL = 30,000 ll
TOTAL: 181,000 ll
Savings: 319,000 ll
Stop complaining.
rent = 0 = living with parents
you for got electricity, water, drinking water, motor l kahraba, eshtirak l satellite, l internet….
hayda iza bas hal2ad 7at ajar taree2 w akel!
I am guessing you are being ironic ya Joe
Our natour earns more than that so stop employing Ethiopians,Syrians and Sirinlankis and the nawar Filipinos and the poor will live well
annie, what do you mean by “nawar” Filipinos..
racist much?
@ Najib, it depends if you’re still living with your parents or independent
btw raising the minimum wage is economic suicide!!!
as a person who doesnt earn minimum wage, i am almost sure my salary wont increase, however business owners will have to increase the price of their stuff, and thus people like you and me will have less and less purchasing power..
i DO feel bad for ppl earning minimum wage, but the solution is not raising their wage, it’s economic reform and lowering prices
nawar philipinos?
Where did that come from?
Guys, i share with you the anger and madness regarding the minimum wage value in lebanon! but we have to admit and look at our situation in a rational way.
CHECK FOR THE EFFIECIENCY OF OUR PRIVATE SECTOR ? WHAT ARE THE SUCCESSFUL SECTORS IN LEBANON ? (BANKING, REAL ESTATE, CARS , FUEL , FOOD AND BEVERAGE … ) Where are the Industries ? where is the production which can be exported ? We are great in exporting BRAINS ! nothing more!
It is not a question of raising wages ! it is a question of being productive and work efficiently !
This is my opinion … WHAT IS YOURS?
i respectfully disagree with Choura2yak..
our software development and quality assurance is great as well
Check the industry of software development and check how is competing with the Lebanese companies in the Gulf Countries as well as in Europe and the Far east … WE ARE LOSING our market share! Trust me we became retarded in this field … Jordanians and Egyptians are hitting us BIG TIME !
More over Lebanese Software development companies are created like parasites and they are playing a price war strategy to hit each others and all of them are losing at the same time!
Seriously racist much?
What makes you better than the Syrians, Ethiopians, Sri Lankans, or the Filipinos?
Retarded is not a nice word to use. Technologically-challenged or behind is more convenient
Retarded might be a wrong term to be used, but i use it maybe it can have a shocking stimulus in order to improve our level and our situation. At the end i have been fighting for more than 7 years in all the companies where i used to work for improving our level and get our from the “Behind” Situation but the “ONE MAN SHOW” mentality in most of our software houses was a huge obstacle!
You don’t use the word retarded ever, regardless of your intentions. Some people are even pushing to use the mentally challenged term to describe retarded people these days.
Ma fi wala ra2ye wala ra2yak bil da2 hone. It’s wrong.
@ Joe,it means the workers that come here to work are living and making more money than the poor Lebanese here,so why should we give them the chance to work and make more money,I’d rather employ a Lebanese natour than a non Lebanese one but again pple here have weird opinions over those jobs like Sukleen,natour and maids ,there are pple who would be grateful to have those jobs provided to them than earn a mere 370 $ a month,and yes I should be racist over this matter w bi 2ouwe unless you don’t care about the poor Lebanese,why should a foreign natour be living for free in a small room and earn his salary while we can provide a Lebanese the same position
And yes Nawar and I’m proud of calling them that way,I’m not one of those housemaid abusers but if you really want to live better,since you care so much to raise the minimum wage,since the housemaids and bus drivers are earning more than that,why not give those positions to the Lebanese,that way even if the government didn’t raise the wages,the poor @ least will live better,so stop defending those who are taking the poor class’s jobs
W aslan ento Lebanese bass shaterin to defend others before yourselves,what makes them better than us?Yes,they don’t earn much in their homeland but let them go somewhere else make money instead of stealing our citizens’s jobs,and for once let the Lebanese be modest and accept those jobs these foreigners are taking,w bil ekher bet2oulo na7na men7ebb watanna???You make me laugh so even when I seem we27a w bitter in my comments,accept the truth w get over yourselves,I’d rather provide a citizen of my country a job he/she needs than a foreigner,trust there are pple who would accept it because either way the foreigners are earning more than the minimum wage,who the hell are they to take these jobs and to earn more than Lebanese,and yes everytime I know I know I’m right,even when I’m bitter in my comments,I will defend the way I’m defending now for my reply,so ma ba2a reply me with me in your ignorant way,it seems you are all ignorant of some pple’s economic situation
I know we’re getting off track here, and I apologize for contributing to that, but so be it . . . there are those here who have expressed an opinion that foreign nationals should lose their meager jobs because those jobs would be better suited to Lebanese nationals. Regardless of the racist undertones expressed, I respect the opinion and it sounds all fine and dandy; however, in light of the fact that Lebanon is the land of glorified titles and a feeling of entitlement, then if you were to deport all the foreigners who exactly do you think is going to apply for those jobs? I currently don’t see any Lebanese pounding the doors down at any domestic worker offices demanding those jobs be given to them! And I don’t see a line of Lebanese men standing in front of Sukleen begging for those jobs either. Why not? Because the Lebanese mentality is that they are too good for those jobs. The Lebanese would rather head to the Gulf, Europe, or North America for a better opportunity. I’m in the States and I see Lebanese Nationals come here everyday and god forbid they take on a job in the service sector . . . oh no . . . they’re too good for that . . . they don’t want to sweat or get their hands dirty. They’d rather work as Limo Drivers, in hair salons, cell services or retail shops (that’s if they can’t make their way into the corporate world or open their own business). It’s the same mentality I encounter every year when we head back to Lebanon . . . a new grad would rather stay home, unemployed for over a year, living off of mom & pops, waiting for that low paying, high title job before they ever consider applying for a job with Sukleen.
I’m sure there are those here who will disagree with my opinion and that’s fine, but allow me to point out that part of my argument has already been pointed to by those on the other side of the debate . . . especially when they say “pple here have weird opinions over those jobs like Sukleen,natour and maids” and “let the Lebanese be modest” . . . modest? The Lebanese? Now, that’s an LOL moment.
Lastly, when people sit around and discuss how foreigners should be deported so those job can go to the Lebanese, then one should take a step back and realize that Lebanon is a country sustained by it’s Ex-Pat community. More than 3 times the country’s estimated population lives and WORKS outside of the country and send money back everyday to sustain their families, community and economy. If the Lebanese begin to employ racist policies, then so can the rest of the world. What’s to keep the US, Canada, Venezuela, Brazil, etc. from deporting all those Lebanese nationals back to Lebanon so all those jobs they currently hold can go to their locals? What do you think that type of policy would do to Lebanon and it’s economy?
can’t you make your point without calling foreign workers as nawars?
True Ny ,that’s why I criticized them , @ Joe they are still most of them nawar yes and these are the facts ,as much as there are Lebanese nawars ,there are the foreign nawars taking their jobs ,and yes I would call a nawar any person who swears everyday 3al tari2a el lebneniyye,is cheap and is from those pple yali biwaskho el balad so accept the facts,just because the truth is bitter doesn’t mean I’m not stating the facts,these are the facts,embrace it and the reason everytime I’m gonna post this way because you can only send the message through this way,yeaaah yeaaaah yeaaah ento el Lebanese would rather help a poor foreigner NAWARRRRRR ,that’s right in capital,on the streets than help your own pple,oooooh those pple are poor,they come from a different land and they need jobs,provide your own pple such jobs unless you think every Lebanese is too good for these positions like NY stated,this is the way to send a message kz heyk tefhamo 3al LEBNENE,yessss that’s right ,I learned all this from you the LEBANESE
And yes finally I applaud someone for being reasonable
The only fact here is that you are a racist person and you are labeling people you don’t even know.
And before you pretend to care about Lebanese, why do you think we have that many foreign workers in Lebanon??
Did you ever think that Lebanese don’t like to work as maids and house keepers??
So please stop using the term nawar because You don’t even know what it means, and stop being so racist.
Oh dear annie …. it really is amusing that in 1 breath you agree with me and in another you argue with joe and najib and maintain your racisit stand (and admently at that). Its pretty clear that my points (that you claim to agree with) have totally flown over your head.
that is so true. noting the fact that there is not even wealfare or any kind of compensation from the leb govnment.
check my blog : http://mayaakra8.blogspot.com/
Lebanon will not improve until the internet does.
More and more educated people are leaving the country to go and work somewhere else due to its low wages and political state.
I live in Tripoli and whenever I return home (currently residing in Australia for my uni) I am shocked by how low the Lebanese standards of living have become, it is so sad! Maybe it’s just Tripoli, I don’t know… I rarely go to Beirut or anywhere else but still for a major city it kinda sucks.
Minimum wage in Australia is about $12 and they still complain lol… I bet some Minimum Wage Chinese worker is reading this and saying to himself: why are they complaining?! this is more than enough!
Enjoy your day people