Hi, First of all you could share all ur comments under one post no need to split them under three.…
On Landfill Project Along the Matn Coast is a Disaster in The Making
To each his own opinion. When it's paid I will say it is 🙂
On Roadster Diner: New Look, New Menu But The Same Great Quality & Service
They stick ur old passport to the new one
On First Pictures of The New Lebanese Biometric Passports
Get mad for all I care but stay respectful. If u dont like Avicii others do the same way you…
On What Happened at Avicii’s Concert Yesterday?
If that's the case, then you know nothing about music 🙂
On What Happened at Avicii’s Concert Yesterday?
Elie, The post was about what happened at a long-awaited event by thousands of Lebanese not about Avicii himself. If…
On What Happened at Avicii’s Concert Yesterday?
Elie, Again I don't find it that wrong but if you do, there's no need to force your opinion on…
On What Happened at Avicii’s Concert Yesterday?
Nothing wrong with attending Avicii's concert. Not a big fan but concerts are fun 🙂
On What Happened at Avicii’s Concert Yesterday?
Turning 16 next month.
On What Happened at Avicii’s Concert Yesterday?
http://www.lebanonfiles.com/news/1062237 Part2 from the same author just to show you it's not the prices that are of concern to him
On The Perfect Answer To This Tasteless Article On Lebanese Beach Resorts