I heard about this reality show called Young Imam this morning on BBC and thought it was extremely creative. Young Imam is a popular reality TV show in Malaysia where the winner of the show wins a car, some cash, a full scholarship to study in Saudi Arabia, gets to go on a pilgrimage to Mecca and also gets to be an Imam of a mosque. It’s such a smart idea and it seems to be working really well in attracting younger people back into religion. I found a good article about the show on the Wall Street Journal which is where I got the video above from. You can check out the article by clicking [Here]
Now I was thinking… Wouldn’t it be cool if we had a Lebanese version of this show called Young Nuns? LBC are you listening? EVERYONE would watch it!
I think even our own version of young imam would be nice. We lack imamship in Lebanon, I find. I live in Canada and during Ramadan, Imams get sent on trips to reach out to those in the “West,” and my dream is for one to be Lebanese. I’d feel like a piece of home was here. And also, it’d be nice if the Lebanese Muslim population had something they can relate to. Anyway, all channels should serve us all and especially since LBC is popular with reality TV, it’d be a nice gesture on their part to take up such a project. If not, I hope someone else cares.