This is really creepy! It’s like someone killed some teddy bears and hung them on a tree as trophies!
It reminded me of movies where ancient civilizations used to take the skulls of the dead and display them!
The teddy bears are part of a donation campaign for autism. You can make donations by buying a bear. Frankly, there are many ways to display them… I wouldn’t hang them on a tree…
ummmmm . . . wow . . . creepy is putting it nicely.
BTW – your description had me envisioning Brad Pitt (in Legends of the Fall) but rather than scaps, he’s got teddy bears hanging off his neck. I guess that mental image made this tree seem even creepier.
Yiiiiiii eh what’s that????National geographic displaying skulls????Ewwww hehehe
I personally liked it!
But it looks different now, seems like they removed some of the bears because of the negative feedback they received.
I personally loved it. Very creative and new. But i saw it when it was ALL filled with teddy bears, it looked waayyy better!
lol Ralph
No matter what they do they can’t beat that: Most expensive Christmas tree ; Abu Dhabi UAE, Yes that is UAE
better pictures here:
The bear tree is part of a campaign to raise money for children with Autism. A good cause indeed.
very similar to the multi-million dollar Christmas tree held in emirates palace in Abu Dhabi 😛
It is a great cause, but maybe it’s because they removed a number of the bears that makes somewhat creepy. I just hope the reason why they took some of the bears down is because they needed the inventory to sell off.
I agree with you on that, it is in fact for a good cause …
Let’s pray next year it won’t be a “breast cancer theme” lol