Updated: Lebanese Flag with a Barred Cedar Tree Raised in Beirut Martyrs’ Square

Update: it's a campaign by Annahar Newspaper | جريدة النهار on the occasion of “International Women’s Day” to raise awareness about equality. قدرنا أن نقف، صفاً واحداً، خلف علمنا اللبناني الذي يحمل في خطيه الأحمرين المتوازيين أبهى صورة للمساواة المأمولة بين أبنائه، من دون تمييز قومي أو طائفي أو جندري. نحمل رسالة "تحريض" إيجابية على ضرورة أن نتحد مع المرأة اللبنانية في يوم المرأة العالمي. pic.twitter.com/OFS2ktU6bM— Annahar النهار March 6, 2025 An-Nahar was the first…

Fairouz Zkak el-Blat House To Finally Become a Museum?

We’ve been hearing about plans to turn Fairouz’s old residence in Zkak el-Blat into a museum since 2015, but they’ve never materialized. Earlier in February, the former Minister of Culture announced that work is now underway to kick off the project and transform the 19th-century residence into a museum. However, it remains to be seen whether this museum will actually come to life. It was French President Emmanuel Macron who secured funding for this project…

Exotica Limited Edition Valentine Totes

1 month ago
I miss posting about creative ads on special occasions like Valentine’s Day, Easter, Christmas, or national holidays, and I’m very happy to see companies like Exotica still distinguishing themselves with new campaigns. The Valentine’s ad ...

IAA Lebanon Celebrates Vintage Advertising Jingles With Musicals

1 year ago
The IAA Lebanon Chapter held its first IAA Half of Fame at Casino du Liban on January 27th and “honoured 17 railblazing individuals whose remarkable contributions have left an indelible mark on our advertising landscape”, ...

Almaza Latest Ad: Unbelievably Good!

1 year ago
Unhide, Unarmed, Unbreakable, Unate, Uncomplexed, Unauthorized, Unlabelled and last but not least Uncensored! Almaza’s latest commercial to launch their unfiltered beer is hitting all the right notes. The last brand to launch such a daring ...

After Wooden Bakery’s “Unbeatable” Offer, Moulin D’or Strikes Back

3 years ago
The price of the cheese Man’oushe at Wooden Bakery has dropped from LL36,000 to LL32,000 which is apparently a valid reason to hit out at expats who left the country and can no longer enjoy ...

EDZ Hilarious Post-Corona Ad

4 years ago
How to promote wearing masks in the funniest and wittiest way? Watch EDZ latest ad 😁. Let’s hope they won’t get robbed of thee 24/7 electricity, especially after the planned takeover by EDL next year.

ICRC Shares Powerful Video Remembering The Missing of Lebanon’s civil war

4 years ago
Today marks 45 years since the Lebanese Civil War started. 45 years and thousands are still missing, 45 years and thousands are still missing them. The families of the disappeared continue to wait for answers ...

Promoting Social Distance with Altered Slogans

4 years ago
Elie Antaky shared on his Instagram yesterday brilliantly altered slogans for famous brands including Uber, Apple, Careem, Fedex and Netflix. I added a couple, check out the rest [here]. ...

Old Lebanese Ads

5 years ago
I took a small break from covering the revolution news and found myself going through vintage Lebanese ads on YouTube. I thought I have seen them all but I found some “new” old ones. Enjoy!