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Jun 09, 2019 06:22
A breath of fresh air is reaching Byblos and Lebanon. WeGo, an enterprise founded by Connex, has started working on a regional - and later on hopefully a national - public transport service that is set to modernize the whole sector. 1 line will join Byblos and Beirut, while 7 others will link the central station to the following cities: Qartaba Aqoura Zebdine Tartij Bentael Jdayel Ghalboun That is a total of 360km covered, with…
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May 31, 2019 04:19
Going the wrong way, even on a highway, crossing a red light, cutting off other cars, speeding, tailgating, dangerous driving, speeding maneuvers, highway drop off and every possible traffic violation you could think of in one video. It may be a two year old video but things have gotten worse ever since. Thumbs up to whoever compiled all these violations into one video:
5 years ago
Those who follow the blog probably know how big of an F1 fan I am. I haven’t missed a Grand Prix for the past 10 years or more and was fortunate enough to watch Michael ...
5 years ago
I noticed a few days ago that traffic lights were finally installed on the Sami el Solh highway, at the chaotic meeting point linking Furn el Chebbak, Badaro, Adlieh and Tayyouneh. The lights are not ...
5 years ago
Public Works and Transportation Minister Youssef Fenianos and Jbeil MP Ziad Hawat launched last week a public transportation initiative in the district of Jbeil: WeGo. Created by Connex, a private transportation company operating in Beirut, ...
5 years ago
This is a daily occurrence on the Dbayyeh maritime road leading to the Antelias bridge. The road on the way back to Jounieh is closed in front of the ISF barracks yet some “privileged” cars ...
5 years ago
I heard rumors about this acquisition few months back and it looks like it’s finally happening. According to Bloomberg, Endadget and several other sources, “Uber is set to announce a $3.1 billion cash-and-share deal to ...
5 years ago
If you’ve ever wondered about the origins of the modern “Zouzou Ebba”, check out this 1979 video shot in Beirut with bikers pulling some crazy stunts. Zero security measures, zero safety and the bikers are ...
6 years ago
I recently came across some fantastic maps for bus routes running in Greater Beirut, drawn by [LebaneseBuses] and [Bus Map Project]. You can find other routes leading outside Beirut on the website: There’s an Android app for ...
6 years ago
Despite all the security measures taken by the security forces, Lebanese Army, Civil Defense and other units, two people were killed in an accident last night and several others injured. Celebratory gunfire also caused five ...