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Mar 17, 2020 05:00
My wife & I are usually very strict about screen time, allowing the boys barely an hour per day even on weekends, but with schools and daycare closing because of the new coronavirus and parents being forced to work remotely, more screen time is inevitable. I'm not very familiar with all the kid-friendly channels out there, but I've discovered over the past two years few YouTube channels & shows that we, as parents, enjoyed watching…
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Jul 06, 2019 11:42
This post is long overdue but since we were celebrating Brian's 4th birthday few days ago, I thought I write about Dent de Lait where we held his previous two birthdays . Back in 2017, we were struggling to find a birthday place for Brian when I got an invite to the opening of Dent de Lait. At first I thought it was a new nursery in town but then I read a bit about…
6 years ago
Brian has just been promoted to big brother after my wife gave birth on August 7th to a healthy baby boy weighing 3.08 kilos at 9:46am. It’s been a tough and long pregnancy for her ...
7 years ago
Lebanese fathers are currently entitled to one paternity day while maternity leave was extended to 70 days a couple of years ago. The government has recently approved extending the paternity leave to three days but ...
7 years ago
I am constantly looking for child-friendly toys, furniture and decor items, which is not an easy task these days. We’ve always hoped of having an outdoor garden, but till that day comes, I wanted a ...
7 years ago
I just learned recently from a friend that foam play mats are made with questionable materials that could affect the health of a child. We’ve had the mats for over a year now and I ...
7 years ago
It’s true what they say that “Time flies when you’re having fun”. Brian has officially turned two on Saturday and the past 24 months have been tiring but thrilling, exciting and more importantly rewarding. Raising ...
8 years ago
We’ve been delaying Brian’s first haircut for quite some time but we’ve finally decided to do it this weekend. Brian has straight blonde hair with curls at the tips (he definitely didn’t take that from ...
8 years ago
It was a proud moment seeing Brian climb on the couch the first time but once we realized he loves to climb everything and anything, it becomes a serious issue. It started with the couch, ...