I wanted to open up a topic for discussion but I wasn’t planning to until Chahe posted about my engagement.
While planning the dinner, I had no choice but to put Arabic music as most family members don’t really dance to English or French music. I can only laugh imagining my aunts or uncles dancing R&B or Trance.
Now don’t get me wrong, Arabic music is not that bad but what irritates me about it is that guys can’t dance to it. The moves one has to do to cope with all the belly dancing around him are limited and plain stupid:
Here are some moves my friend Leila suggested sarcastically of course:
Move 1: Clap ur hands in the air while smiling stupidly.
Move 2: Go down on one knee clap side ways on the hips of the dancing girls (also while smiling stupidly)
Move 3: Open ur hands as if saying rise up and rise em .. rise ’em rise ’em (no smiling this time just a serious ana el jaggal look)
There are two moves I must add here:
Move4: Stretch your hands over the girl’s shoulders and start moving them left and right like you’re some ski jumping athlete trying to maintain balance.
Move5: Try to belly dance and make a joke out of yourself.
The only good part about Arabic Music is Dabke but unless you know how to really dabke, it gets boring after few minutes. That’s why I am planning to take some Dabke lessons or maybe ask my dad who should join Caracalla for his Dabke skills.
If anyone knows a good place to learn Dabke, please feel free to share it.
+1 to the stupid smile
You are that cool guy who only listens to english or french music, well music is taste and attending to a night club that plays oriental music is much more interesting than those playing techno or RnB all night.
Music is taste and I don’t have to be cool to not like Arabic.
Exactly … Since u have a Blog and as i assume you care for other’s opinion, u have to respect other’s taste “while smiling stupidly”
I am critisizing the way one has to dance to Arabic not the Arabic music in itself. All I said is there are no dance moves for guys, at least as far as a I know and notice.
That’s my opinion and I am entitled to it. Do you have any better moves that make guys look good?
Please feel free to share them.
haha smiling stupidly, very true, but it’s fun dude, relax.
Also don’t forget the squinting eyes and the small head shakes
If you don’t know what I’m talking about just go ask you dad
Some people take blogposts way too seriously.
frankly? the girl has a part to do in arabic dancing. she can put you into the play by interacting with rather than performing for you.
there is many a move that a guy can do while dancing Arabic. you can always belly dance yourself too!
i think it’s all about having a good time anyway.
Move 6= Pretend that you are changing 2 light bulbs with the 2 hands while dancing stupidly
While smiling stupidly*
nice one Alf lol
+5 for Alf’s move actually seen some men do it…
oriental dancing is made for females!! hehe
I have a relative who pretends he has wings and starts shaking them it’s very annoying! Stick to dabke Najib i advise you