Dlebta village, where a huge land was sold to a Saudi
Every now and then, there’s a public outcry in Lebanon as a result of the selling of huge lands to Arabs, mainly Saudis. The last one was 2 weeks ago when a huge land in Dlebta, Keserwan was sold to a Saudi prince.
Of course I do agree that we should forbid the selling of massive lands to non-Lebanese, but the problem is not in the laws, but in not respecting them. In fact and per the Lebanese law, non-Lebanese CANNOT buy more than 3% of any Kaza in Lebanon, and more than 10% in Beirut. Added to that, any land exceeding 3000 square meters cannot be sold without the approval of the government.
This being said, the Dlebta land exceeded 3000 square meters, yet was approved by the government and signed by the President of the Republic and published in the newspapers. This means that the selling was a long process that had the Lebanese government involved and many MPs and officials. Added to that, I may be mistaken but I think the municipality has to know about any selling that involves a non-Lebanese or Lebanese, but I can’t confirm that.
Anyway, I don’t care why it was approved, or who pressured who, but I suggest Lebanese protesting this decision to ask Dlebta residents, municipality and mayor if they knew about it before it happened and if they approve of the selling. If they knew about it and waited for the approval to protest, then honestly there’s nothing much to do. If they knew about it and were ok with it, then it’s even worse.
If we care that much about our lands and villages, and don’t trust our government or representatives, the least the municipality members and the mayor and the residents can do is keep an eye on the lands. There’s no way you can sell such a massive piece of land without anyone knowing, especially in Lebanon where everyone knows everyone and Dlebta is not a far away village in the middle of nowhere. Moreover, I am almost certain that some Lebanese, including members of municipalities and mayors and local officials, are directly or indirectly benefitting from those sales, or else you wouldn’t be hearing reports about 80% of Ajaltoun, Rayfoun and Mayrouba being sold to non-Lebanese and no one caring about it. As far as I am concerned, the majority of those protesting anywhere in Lebanon are either slow to react and haven’t done their job properly or want to take part in future sales.
Just today my friend was telling me that a Jordanian guy came to visit his town over the weekend and wanted to buy a huge land for 5 million dollars that overlooks the whole village. Luckily enough, the owner of the land refused.
All in all, there are many ways to prevent the selling of such lands in the future, but reacting to the sale after it’s done while another deal is on its way is the wrong way to go. Maybe it’s better not to protest at all if you are not willing to do anything about it.
I believe the name of the greedy seller should be disclosed to the public.
Greedy seller? Seriously?
Yes, because a land that your ancestors sweated blood to have it and keep it, should only be sold in case there is a need of funds for sustained development purpose, and not to buy an infiniti or lal tefsheekh.
I understand under current sectarian system and animosities you have fears. Fears of Non Christians taking over your “ancestral land”. If I could go back in time; I would tell all the good people to leave this “blessed” land if you want to live your life and not purely exist!!!
However; you have no right in blaming anyone who wants to cash out at a high selling price and getting the hell out of Dodge. Life starts when you leave the gates of hell…Otherwise known as Lebanon.
Yep christians keep selling land to people that dont allow you to buy land in their own country.
The christians in lebanon need to really think why they are buying land mostly in there areas. Also start questioning the government on how such land deals are passed.
I really dont care what anyone says but i dont like the idea of land being sold to people that are not lebanese.
i think the guy who sells his land
means that he really needs the money.. i don’t blame him
The difference between Jews and Lebanese Christians is that the Israeli Jews will hold on to their land and consider it priceless( since they once lost it )
Yet..Lebanese Christians are voluntarily selling their lands to escape the Islamization of Lebanon….
From where i see it ,the problem is selling the land to a”foreign citizen” It would be better to sell the land to a Lebanese Muslim ,than to sell it to a foreign,the problem relying here is selling the land to a foreign citizen and not Muslim.It is his religion ,and we have nothing to do about it ,we are all born equal ,we are all Lebanese first before being christian Muslim…Arab Jews….Who am i to critic ,or to judge him for his religion ,everyone is born in different circumstances ,i was born and raised as a christian ,he was born and raised as a Muslim,this shouldn’t differ us from each other.
So after making this clear ,the problem here is the seller and not the buyer.For example even thought he was in dept and he needed money ,he raised the right hand while making a oath that he will never sell the land.And he sold it…
The problem here rely also on the government ,they signed for the land to be sold even if it was against the laws of selling for foreign citizen .The people who should be judged are the politicians and the government.Although it is the also the sellers problem ,but it was the government who accepted it ,so if he had no respect to his ancestors nor to his dignity so he sold it, it is his problem .Ours is who accepted the demand ?who signed?No one should be over the law! the law should be over us !
As for the villagers of dlebta there are doing some actions in dlebta ,i will be putting you the link of facebook page if you would like to know more about it .https://www.facebook.com/groups/313609252061109/