For those of you who don’t know it, HJB is a typical American style bar and grill. The original one was in Qoraytem if I’m not mistaken. They’re reopening soon in Gemmayze. I’ll definitely try it once they open. The location is very convenient for me, right next to where I work.
You can check out their website [Here]
“Goro street”?? Don’t they mean Gouraud??
I used to be a regular at the old Henry J Beans. Amazing place, good food drinks and music (i think)
True, Goro was a character in Mortal Kombat
Yeah Henri j beans was the first american dinner to open in lebanon , it was the best untill it went bankrupt due to bad managment.
it had the best mozarella sticks and nachos !!
when is it oppening chahe ??
It was much better than roadsters and crepaway!! They had the best mozarella sticks and they had the best chiken fried burger.
There is a starbucks now in the same location in koraytem.
can you post their menu ??
Hey, here’s a link to their menu in Manchester
The link is in the middle of the page
I don’t know when it’s going to open, I’ll call them and I’ll let you know
Planning a trip to Beirut?
Maybe you can go try it for free and make a review on it 🙂
I tried it in the UK and their Menu was not the same as the one in lebanon. The one in lebanon was much better.
They had the best coleslaw as well!
oh my that brings old memories 🙂 can’t wait!
Mark, if you were a regular, then you would know better, it’s Hank’s dude…
i used to go there a lot in the late 90s…until it closed off. i heard it was sold to the Crepaway people then was closed down for no obvious reason. last time i went shortly before it closed it was packed.
but Gemayze is not the place for Hanks, it’s got to be a destination, not just another place to bar hop…