ya abou ali its either your account is someone posing to make problems or you have problems i am a devoted Muslim . islam says alcohol is haram but does not enforce to ban any shop . at the time of prophet(pbuh) he lived with jews and Christians and no where he forced anyone to enter islam or ban him from praying . so please stop saying things in name of islam because therefore you are going against what islam says . if you truly a muslim then follow your prophet and dont follow your extreme way which is haram
Abou Ali if you don’t like that then go live to Saudi Arabia or Iran. Such shops are banned. Otherwise respect the religious diversity of the country you live in and shut up!
You shouldn’t bother banning anyone, because no matter how ridiculous they are, people should be able to say what they want to say. They’ll always find a way to express their bigotry. Instead, you should try introducing a self regulating comment system, similar to that of sites like Reddit. Poor comments will just get hidden and you won’t have worry about banning anyone,
I think Abou Ali is a fake profile that it’s just there to trigger issues. But he is funny nevertheless. Bybthe way Najib don’t forget to get some termous as well with the kess.
Hala2 vodka fhemna
bas cho badak bi kiloo el jazar o_O
Something to eat while he enjoys the vodka!
I think it’s time we addressed the alcoholism issue in the country…
And what? Ban alcohol?
so now we have issues in the country???
Rick, where did I imply we should ban booze? Why can’t you handle some sarcasm like Alphonse
this is 7aram… ban this shop…
ya abou ali its either your account is someone posing to make problems or you have problems i am a devoted Muslim . islam says alcohol is haram but does not enforce to ban any shop . at the time of prophet(pbuh) he lived with jews and Christians and no where he forced anyone to enter islam or ban him from praying . so please stop saying things in name of islam because therefore you are going against what islam says . if you truly a muslim then follow your prophet and dont follow your extreme way which is haram
Abou Ali if you don’t like that then go live to Saudi Arabia or Iran. Such shops are banned. Otherwise respect the religious diversity of the country you live in and shut up!
Your face is 7aram.
I think am gonna ban Abou Ali very soon since he seems to like banning stuff.
You shouldn’t bother banning anyone, because no matter how ridiculous they are, people should be able to say what they want to say. They’ll always find a way to express their bigotry. Instead, you should try introducing a self regulating comment system, similar to that of sites like Reddit. Poor comments will just get hidden and you won’t have worry about banning anyone,
I think Abou Ali is a fake profile that it’s just there to trigger issues. But he is funny nevertheless. Bybthe way Najib don’t forget to get some termous as well with the kess.
What kess?
Lol! Kess as in drink…
najjjiiibbbbb mamnou3 l vodka!!! ma fi wine??