The LiveLoveBeirut guys have already figured out a way to make good use of my picture and help out children in need. They’ve launched the #welivelove campaign whereas every child in need that you find in the streets will get a Christmas gift from JoueClubLiban.
So go ahead, take pictures of children in need and make their Christmas a joyful one!
Since you’ve all been so moved by this picture, it was impossible not to take action. We’re teaming up with @joueclubliban and giving every child in need you find on the streets of Lebanon, every child you share with us on #welivetolove, a Christmas gift. Let’s make their day a little brighter. That’s step one, and we got more to come. Let’s start giving back together, and create a bit of change
you’re a magical community guys. We love you. Picture taken by @lenajib
I think you may need to rephrase that last sentence. Although you mean well, it comes off a little wrong. You should consider changing ‘child beggars’ to a more politically correct term such as ‘underprivileged children’. Maybe a sentence explaining how exactly the campaign will work would be better instead.
I’m not sure whether this campaign is meant to help these children or help us feel better about ourselves though. I don’t think a toy is good enough. It may provide the children with some immediate gratification but what does it do for them in the long term. They will still be on the street the next day. This campaign is taking the easy route. I believe the kids would be better served by having clothing and food drives for them. These drives can also include books (school books, workbooks for math and languages, among others) and even electronics (That old dusty laptop you keep in your closet ever since you bought that new Mac book, that old unbreakable Nokia cell phone that’s in your drawer, or maybe some flashlights).
If LiveLoveBeitrut does go through with this campaign though, they should be careful with what they give out and who they give it to. They should make sure that the toy won’t be sold the next day or that the children won’t be punished by their parents or “guardian” when they show up with it at home.
Finally I apologize if I’m coming off as a little pessimistic or critical but this just my opinion on the matter.
Hi Montrealer,
You are right I removed the beggar part as its not appropriate.