Shanon Elizabeth, or the famous Nadia from American Pie, will join Lebanon Poker team ahead of the World Poker Team event in Las Vegas next month. [Article]
Elizabeth’s father is Lebanese / Syrian and her mother is of Irish, English, German and Cherokee ancestry. [Wiki]
Another nude scene from Nadia and the money is ours !
AhHAHAHHHAAH..this is hilarious..
Of course Shannon Elizabeth joined the Lebanese Poker Team.!!
Danielle, the “Aha” wasn’t in response to ur comment. I talked to Najib a couple of days ago about Nadia. It seems he googled her to see the famous American Pie scene and got this instead
Yup it’s like that Wine Tasting forward i sent you … No wine but a lot of tasting in it ! hahahaha
hmmm, there’s a team from Israel, we will withdraw before the tournament since we wouldn’t want to be playing with them! stupid country!
Are you sure about that ?
Men are officially ALL THE SAME! I thought you were doing some honest research know..scouring the internet to see what interesting facts you could find about Lebanon.. now I know the truth..hahaha
Good one Najib..Good one.. lol
Hey I’m not a hater..she is hottttt.
Some interesting statistics from
In the first three months of 2007, according to Nielsen/NetRatings, approximately one in three visitors to adult entertainment Web sites was female; during the same period, nearly 13 million American women were checking out porn online at least once each month.
Theresa Flynt, vice president of marketing for Hustler video, says that women account for 56 percent of business at her company’s video stores.
So are really all men the same ?? or is it men & WOmen
Touche..but I have the comeback.
Ready for it?
The only reason females are visiting adult entertainment websites is because they are going through their boyfriend’s internet history, and clicking on the questionable websites that appear wayyyy to often,,
Trust me, I know. I’ve done it. haha
And the only reason women are buying these videos is because men have come to adopt and unrealistic view of women in many,,well..uhh important women are going in droves to these video stores to acquire new skills..
Yup, that’s it..
So yeah,, all men are really the same.
And all of our insecurities are ALL YOUR FAULT.
And really. What does OPRAH know?
Not sure about it Najib, but I know israel is playing because they say they are in the article (Iran is also playing btw) and I know we have to withdrawl if they are because it happened before (
Men are officially ALL THE SAME! I thought you were doing some honest research know..scouring the internet to see what interesting facts you could find about Lebanon.. now I know the truth..hahaha
Good one Najib..Good one.. lol
Hey I’m not a hater..she is hottttt.