Stamping money is a very Lebanese thing. Some companies use invisible ink, others stamp and sign the bills. Most people hold up the bills against the light, some scratch them. I never understood scratching; I understand that there are different textures to a bill, but scratching it with your nail? What the hell does that show you??
Have you ever tried exchanging a stamped 100$ bill abroad? Not easy to get rid of!
This reminds me of a story that has nothing to do with this topic. A couple of years ago I got back a counterfeit 10,000LL bill from a restaurant. I only realized it when I got back home. The janitor of our building told me that he’d take it and that he knew how to spend it without getting caught. Since going back to the restaurant and arguing with no proof was gonna be a complete waste of time, I decided to cut my losses, and hand him the bill. It cost me a 135$ to bail him out of jail… He tried spending the money in a mini market. The owner beat the living crap out of him and THEN called the police, who also knocked some sense into him (literally, I think the cop’s fist was called “sense”)
Anyway, stop stamping money!
The stamping is done on US bills only to be able to track them since not all banks have machines to check if they are not fake. It’s like a guarantee that you can take back the bill to your bank if it turns out to be fake.
You can exchange the stamped bills for non-stamped ones at the exchange posts.
I agree it should be changed but that’s something you have to check with the BDL ( who still uses floppy disks believe it or not). BDL is the one enforcing the stamping and not the banks.
Somewhere between the janitor’s story and BDL still using floppy disks, I can’t stop laughing at this
can’t stop laughing either (im another fadi lol)
I don’t think they beat him cuz the bill was fake, it was just an opportunity to beat a syrian that they couldn’t pass.. they don’t get such an opportunity everyday.
btw it has always baffled me why printing fake dollar bills isn’t widespread, i have been wanting to do it ever since I was 5 but I guess you need a real good printer and paper
are you bragging with those 50$ bills my friend?
High roller baby… high roller…
man this happened with me when i was in europe and i was PISSED, they wouldnt exchange 300$ coz all had some sort and i had to withdraw from my cc and was charged some shitty ass charges, when i came back to leb, i went the bank furious that they give out such crappy notes from the ATM. then the next time i had to travel and got such crappy bills again, i went to the branch to exchange them, and the cashier started interrogating me, and then after he gave me the clean bills, rabba7neh jmileh enno ma bya3mlo hek la 7ada
fucked up country