I went to see my first 3D movie, the three Musketeers, the other day and I must say it was a rather disappointing experience.
The 3D glasses are not big enough and did not fit well and were annoying to wear. Also, anytime you turn left or right, or shift your eyes, you need to reorient them.
It could be that Circuit Empire in Kaslik doesn’t offer decent 3D sunglasses, but I think they’re all the same. Nevertheless, I am eager to go watch Spielberg’s The Adventures of Tintin, so I will give 3D another try at City Mall Cinemacity theathers.
3D movies in lebanon as much as i have experienced are very poor u can watch the movie almost without the glasses, the only thing which is 3D on the screen is the subtitles
i’ve seen only few 3D movies since 2009 maybe 2
3 musketeers was a very good movie though
From what I hear this movie is another slaughter of the original book.
After the man in the iron mask, I would have hoped they would have learned >.<
I wish we could have in lebanon a certain area where we can really complain about companies providing bad services, in a way to spread the word and hit their business so that the work better and keep on preserving good quality in order not to lose market share!
This should become a culture for all Lebanese consumers and when we go somewhere and we see it is bad we should ban it totally and never go back before knowing that measures was taken to improve the service!
Maybe your face is too big. Did you think about that?
Thought of that but I wasn’t the only one annoyed and it’s not about how big your face is.
Have you tried it?
The best effect of 3D i found was for animation and documentary and not on the commercial movies.
I have a 3d tv at home with good quality glasses (active) andthe difference between watching Yogi bear – alice, or deep ocean and Pirates of the caribbean is huge in terms of 3d effect.
I didn’t like the circuit empire 3D glasses, the one at ABC were more comfortable and easier to watch with. However, in both cases, 3D sux, is overrated, and is a way to force us to pay more money for the ticket..
yeah i’ve tried them, they were fine, but i never enjoy 3d movies, id rather watch the normal type
Maybe your head is too small
Wrong movie to watch in 3D.