Picture from LBC Blogs
Forget the armed groups kidnappings citizens all over Lebanon…
Forget the armed militiamen firing at each other killing innocent people in the process …
Forget the criminals, thieves and rapists …
Forget the thugs burning tires and blocking roads …
Forget the fanatics burning down KFC, Hardees and a bunch of other shops …
Forget all those minor threats to our security and meet those behind the insecurity in Lebanon:
Approximately seven activists from the Chaml civil rights group took to Parliament Street this morning dressed in wedding attire and holding placards calling for the passing of a non-religious personal status law, aka civil marriage law. Their demands were met by the same reaction. They were arrested, beaten and humiliated with one of them being subjected to sexual harassment with a use of a rifle. [Link]
Picture from LBC Blogs
Yes it is a security threat. a BIG security threat for the future IN lebanon… Don’t you guys understand that this would be the first step towards a Lebanon that does not care about religion? And if “ta2ifieh” is no longer a major part of our lives, then how are we gonna keep electing the same officials who represent a given sect or another?? Yes, it is a threat for their “job” and “income” security and that of their descendants who are “destined” to be leaders in Lebanon like their parents and grand parents before them!
Seee,this is why I support violence in protests lool because when you plant fear in them ,that’s when they respect you ,run the burning tires to the parliament and lets see then how they’ll respnd to civil marriage and womens’ rights
Just because there are more pressing matters doesn’t mean this isn’t an issue that needs to be dealt with. You have to be religious to get married? Seriously?
sorry but i am with the Lebanese army . one of the protesters insulted an army soldier which lead to an argument and lead to the arrest. i know the army soldiers are rough and strict but thats the code of the army they can be soft.
Seriously, Imad? Beating up unarmed, harmless civilians and then subjecting one of them to SEXUAL HARASSMENT WITH A RIFLE because of an insult? Seriously? To you that’s ok? From the nation’s Armed Forces?
Does that dignify them, make them more able to carry out their jobs?
Look at the protesters faces – they are nothing more than kids asking peacefully for what is considered a human right anywhere else in the civilized world. God forbid that it should be your child, brother, sister or friend who gets beaten up over something as petty as this….would you still believe that’s the “code” of the army?
Your comment has to be the most idiotic, unthinking statements I have ever read.
kids… they are adults. when you resist arrest the army has to use force to arrest you . when you resist arrest what do you want the army to do please tell me . insulting the soldiers , resisting arrest causing a scene . all that by 7 people if it was a real issue why were you not with the 7 brave ones . long live the Lebanese army
You’re absolutely right. How dare they demonstrate like that. Why do they not understand that this is not what normal people do? They should just shut up and act like sheep and never, EVER try and make a point over a non-issue – after all this is not a democracy.
Anyway, Imad, go back to your PlayStation and comic books and leave intelligent debate to the adults. Life is not a war game.
Whats your point Najib?
a digital clap for the activists that, with all the drama our coutry is going through, still believe that it can be a civilized place in a way or another!
I am wondering, are you doing anything to stop the violence, the kidnapping, the rape…?
I’m not answering for Najib, but I think the point is that a few unarmed innocents peacefully demonstrating outside Parliament probably doesn’t need the strong arm tactics that more violent issues do. To paraphrase your question, do you think that this attack on those kids is doing anything to stop the violence, kidnapping and rape? Do you think this has made everyone think “oh good, the army is demonstrating its ability to protect us”?
It’s a disgrace.
Secondly, civil marriage is a grass roots issue through which many other things would be forced to change in our country which obviously makes some of our leaders so uncomfortable that they sanction this display.
So yes, a digital clap is well deserved by those activists.
What exactly am I supposed to do? Let me hear suggestions.
Najib, I sense your anti-civil marriage.
I don’t understand this concept of there’s more important matters to tackle… like how everyone was enraged about the smoking ban and said the govt should focus on the kidnappings or internal security instead.
People have been demanding civil marriage for years and the parliament keeps brushing it off because this “minor” issue could lead to their end in the future.
How these kids went and protested is not something I could give my opinion on since we don’t have sufficient info however I have questions on “sexual harassment with the use of a rifle” … wth does that mean and how the hell are the soldiers able of doing so?
Hmm how did you sense that?
I was being sarcastic on them being the reason behind the insecurity in Lebanon.
I think you mean “sarcastic”.
Yup. Corrected
Sorry… wasn’t clear who you were siding with…..
Lol no worries thought I made my point when I listed all those we need to forget and focus on those poor 7 activists getting beaten.
Najib…Nothing “civil” will be allowed in the Jungle also known as Lebanon. Capische?
Hence,run to the parliament with burning tires and close the roads ,this is how Lebanese get it ,now this is a matter to burn tires for :p
You have to get rid of the sectarian system for this to happen. Good luck to that!
You have to make this happen to get rid of the sectarian system!