1- Open the first bobsleigh track in the Middle East and bid for the Winter Olympics (Thanks Farid)

2- Put the garbage bags on both sides to promote road safety and use them as safety barriers for drivers.

3- Color the bags on both sides in red, cut down a tree and put it in the middle and take an aerial view to make it look like a Lebanese flag.

4- Hire photographers to take better pictures of the river of trash and make Lebanon garbage-famous. (CNN & Buzzfeed have covered the story so far)

5- Last but not least, try to get Lebanon in The Guinness Book of Records by forming the longest garbage river in the world.


Updated: Farid Hobeiche found more ways to make use of these garbage piles spread around the country.

Ahamma shi el tertib.

Posted by Farid Hobeiche on Wednesday, February 24, 2016

If you thought these 5 points were funny, wait till you read this. Some of the remarks of H.E. Mr. Mohammad Machnouk, Environment Minister, at #UNDP 50th anniversary Ministerial meeting:

1- The Lebanese Government has adopted a three-fold approach to prevent environmental
degradation while pursuing developmental efforts:

2- Public participation in the decision-making process in Lebanon has been a key feature of the
Lebanese governance system since the first constitution back in 1926.

More recently, in March 2015, the Government of Lebanon embarked in the preparation of
National Sustainable Development Strategy, using a participatory approach, centered around
7 strategic objectives:
1. Providing a world class human capital
2. Strengthening social cohesion
3. Providing the citizens’ daily priorities
4. Enhancing economic growth
5. Conserving the natural and cultural heritage
6. Promoting good governance
7. Repositioning Lebanon on the Arab, Mediterranean, and international map