On Episode 5 of Lethal Weathon’s third season, Cole is investigating an art robbery when he finds common ground with Lena Bechara, a Lebanese art collector. Lena was looking for her mother’s drawing of Anfeh beach, which Cole had visited during his missions.

It’s a pretty random mention which made me look up any drawings of Anfeh but I didn’t find any. I did look up old pictures of Anfeh that resemble the drawing but I didn’t find any. In fact, I only found shots of the popular spots in Anfeh mainly Ta7t el Ri7:

On another note, I also found some interesting renders of a future plan for the whole Anfeh coast.

Going back to Lethal Weapon, I like Riggs’ character way better than Cole. Cole is American Pie and Stiffler’s mom to me 😁. Nevertheless, someone should ping Anfeh’s municipality and let him visit during the summer.
