This is not the Baroud we know, meaning our minister of interior Ziad Baroud, but some guy called Alfred Baroud who apparently wants to exploit this whole anti-speeding campaign to sell some books.
This is not the Baroud we know, meaning our minister of interior Ziad Baroud, but some guy called Alfred Baroud who apparently wants to exploit this whole anti-speeding campaign to sell some books.
What caught my eye is the Glamour… which region is it made for? Is it the U.K. version?
Wish i could help you with that.
Its okay. I looked it up. Thanks. This is important for when I come to Lebanon. I need my glamours.
well if you want, next time am in Virgin i will ask. Funny thing is that i wanted to just take a picture of the booklet but then i said it looks better with the cover of glamour magazine