El Wade3 Felten

I couldn't find a better caption to describe this video. There are so many wrongs that I don't even know where to start: - Where these two tires come from? - Why is this guy driving and filming them? - Two cars pulling an illegal U-turn. - A motorist with no helmet - And of course the poor guy who was getting his morning Man2oushe only to see his car getting hit by two huge…

The Reason Behind “Phantom” Traffic Jams in #Lebanon

How many times did you get stuck in traffic only to find out there were no obstacles on the road? We always expect to see an accident or some road works but the real reason for most of the traffic jams here in Lebanon are a**hole drivers cutting off people and driving recklessly in an attempt to get to their destination 2 minutes earlier. These so-called "Phantom" traffic jams can be easily avoided if everyone…

First Bike Sharing Station Launched in Beirut

7 years ago
We finally have a bike sharing system in Beirut thanks to efforts from Jawad Sbeity in collaboration with Beirut’s governor Ziad Chebib and Beirut’s municipality. The first sample station was set up yesterday near Le ...

A Message to All on New Year’s Eve

7 years ago
Here’s a message from AUBMC to all the Lebanese. They don’t want to see you or any of your relatives or friends tonight. Drive safe or don’t drive at all if possible and enjoy your ...

2016 Statistics: Car Accidents Down by 20%

7 years ago
According to the Internal Security Forces numbers (Source: Annahar), car accidents dropped by 20,62% in 2016 when compared to 2015. The last 12 months (Up to December 21) witnessed 3318 accidents which resulted in 4495 ...

ISF Delivering Helmets & Gifts Instead of Traffic Fines

7 years ago
The ISF kicked off a Christmas awareness campaign last week where officers were stopping drivers not wearing helmets and gifting them new helmets instead of traffic fines. I love the initiative but this should not ...

Change Your Tires Before Winter

7 years ago
We all remember the fuss our parents used to make after the first rainfall of each autumn season: “ghayyer dwelib el siyyara!”. Tires are an incredibly important part of our cars, yet one most of ...

Billy Karam is Once Again The Holder of Two Guinness World Records

7 years ago
Billy Karam was awarded for the third time since 2009 two Guinness World Records for the biggest number of models around the world (37,777 Pieces) and the man with highest number of Dioramas (577 Pieces). ...

#EnsaJoura is Working Great so Far!

7 years ago
I wrote a couple of weeks ago about the #EnsaJoura initiative that MTV Lebanon and Live Lebanon kicked off and they’re already off to a great start! In fact, I reported a couple of potholes ...

Joura (2ad Rassak) Welcomes you to Zouk Mosbeh

7 years ago
Update [20/2/2017]: They fixed the pothole this week. I take the road from Jeita to Zouk Mosbeh almost every day and I always avoid driving on the right side because of that huge pothole right ...