For the past couple of days I was trying a new commenting system called Disqus. Due to some complaints I decided to uninstall it but sadly I couldn’t retrieve the comments from the past 2 days. Even though I am supposed to be able to recover the comments I kept getting an error so I had to make a choice, either uninstall Disqus and lose the comments from the past two days or leave Disqus so not to lose any comments. I decided to uninstall Disqus and lose the comments since in the long run it’s a better move.
On the bright side you can now subscribe to comments by ticking the box below the comments submit button.
Sorry about all this.
it looked good, but i had a really hard time commenting. Actually i was unable to comment at all, the good old system is the best 🙂
yeah, that makes two of us. But I’m surprised why you couldn’t restore your comments. It’s in the settings (sync), I’m sure you can make it work, do you need a hand?
everytime i synced it failed. I tried manually exporting and importing but Disqus updated their export file recently and the import plugin now can’t read it yet.
I uninstalled Disqus just 2 days ago (they also had the new export format). What I did is that i synced BEFORE uninstalling disqus and things went well.
I’m assuming your wordpress is self hosted right?
I already synched and uninstalled disqus on another one of my blogs. It just didn’t work here.