What Charbel Shallita did is unforgivable but the death penalty is wrong.
Examining Magistrate Judge Ziad Makna demanded in his indictment the death penalty against the killer of 22-year-old Roland Chbeir, who was murdered on October 28 by his friend. Al-Akhbar newspaper reported on Tuesday that Makna accused Charbel Shallita of committing a premeditated crime. [Link]
Najib, why are you against the death penalty?? Is it on Moral, human rights principles, or do you think that the death penalty is less punishing than life in prison?
Also since when do we apply the death penalty in Lebanon?!
Any idea on previous cases or something??
The death penalty hasn’t been applied in Lebanon since the days of late president Hrawi.
The death penalty needs the signature of the president to be.carried out and both Lahoud and now Sulaiman decided not to sign
I dono when was the last execution but the one i remember took place in Babda where two Syrians that had killed an owner of a jewelry shop in Baabda
the execution took place in the Baabda Saraie next to Baabda’s aseradel
How fast,funny they werent so fast in Myriam Achkar’s killer ,why????Because he was syrian ,yesss corrupt country
Death penalty is necessary so that brutal killers who fear nothing will know that a severe punishment is waiting for them once caught after killing somebody…in the absense of this penalty killers who spent half of their lives going in and out of prisons will not have a problem in going to prison for some time (after killing somebody)where they will bribe guards, meet good friends and form their own gang before being released by an 2i3fa2…
Actually statistics in the United States showed no change in amount murders with or without the death penalty.
its weird, how can his friend kill him,charbel have no heart or he did not kill him just for money, maybe feytin bi chi ossa kbiré, in both cases charbel should not kill roland unless charbel have no humnity at all. anyway di3an ésmo fi la charbel w Allah yér7am Roland wéysabbir ahlo, l mot mano élla tarék él aréd lankoun ma3 yasou3, nchalla mnétlé2a kélna bél janné